Contact us
Below are some of are common questions:
A confirmation of your order will be displayed after completion of the purchase. You also receive an email confirmation of your order to the email address provided whilst placing your order. The email will provide all details about your order, including the order number.
Yes, you may change your address or amend other contact details after your order is placed. But, you would have to send us an email with the address you would like the products to be shipped to.
Make sure you do this as soon as you can, as we will not be able to amend shipping details when the parcel has been shipped.
Yes, we do ship internationally. Choose your convenient shipping method when placing your order.
You can have your order shipped with our trusted shipping Partners, DHL EXPRESS and Royal Mail.
If you are based outside Europe, USA and Canada, your parcel can only be shipped with DHL EXPRESS.
If you are based in Europe, USA and Canada you can have your parcels shipped by either of our trusted shipping partners.
International shipping with DHL EXPRESS is faster (2 to 3 days) and a bit more expensive for that reason.
The standard shipping with Royal Mail, is 3 to 5 days for international parcels.
Next business day for London parcels, and 2 business days for UK parcels.